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Night Vision Mission Kit
Take on Project Zorgo anytime, even in the dark, with the new Night Vision Mission Kit!
This kit includes Night Mission Goggles with a green LED light, removable Flashlight, and Magnifying Lens. It also comes with a Spy Ninjas Utility Belt, Decoder Wheel, two Activity Books, Welcome letter, a Certificate of Achievement, a Spy Ninjas ID Card, and a Notebook!
Click this link to download more Spy Ninjas Coding fun!

Night Vision Mission Kit
The Night Vision Mission Kit is the ultimate Spy Kit for tracking down Hackers at night!

Night Vision Mission Kit
Decode every Project Zorgo clue with your Magnifying Lens! No clue is too small!

Night Vision Mission Kit
Take your Decoder Wheel with you on every mission with the new Spy Ninjas Utility Belt and Decoder Wheel Clip!